

Heavenly Father, I come to you this day in the name of Yeshua, my Lord the Christ of God. I ask you to increase my faith. I would ask for the gift of saving faith to be increased and that the gift of miraculous faith to be increased in me. I ask you to forgive me for my sins this day, my sins of thought, word and deed. I choose to forgive others for their sins against me and I ask you also to forgive them for their sins and to draw close to them. I come against the evil one satan and I command him away from me in the name and the power of Christ my Lord the Messiah. I break all of his offences off of me and I ask for the knowledge and the wisdom to stand clear of all of his assaults. I take to myself all of the Spiritual armor the Lord has provided for me. I take the Robe of Righteousness and the Belt of Truth, I take the Sandals of Peace, the Helmet of Salvation and the Shield of Faith, I take the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and I stand ready to do battle with the forces that stand against the Lord in me.

Father, I ask for the increase in and of faith, for faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain. I need this faith from you to combine with my faith to bring the things you have wanted for the world, to the world. You Father have done great things with your submitted children throughout history when they have had faith. I ask for faith, for then I can please you by stepping out; and in doing so, do the work of the kingdom. I ask for more miraculous faith to do the things that were foretold by your Son Yeshua. "Greater things that I have done will you do in my name" spoke our Lord. Make me capable my Father to receive these gifts of faith. Make me pure to have the heart of Christ Father. Make me wise with the mind of Christ to do the things He wants me to do Father. Give me the ability to understand all of the scriptures so I may use the wonder walking faith of the Holy Spirit to bring healing to others as well as myself, and knowledge to others as well as myself. Help me to please you by bringing faith which brings belief in all you are going to do. I can then hold more tightly to all you are and all you can make of me. Bring me peace in faith so I may know you truly as my Creator Father, the nurturer of my life existence upon your earth. Give me the faith that commands the evil away from my life and the life of others as my Lord and Savior intended when He gave me all authority. You my God are in the faith, bring you to me.

Thank You Father, Amen.